Call for Abstracts

16th Annual AACI CRI Meeting Abstracts

The 2024 meeting theme focuses on compassion and collaboration through clinical trials. The purpose of the abstracts is to inform meeting attendees about clinical trials office challenges and solutions implemented at AACI cancer centers.

This year, AACI has changed the abstract submission categories to provide more detail. The updated categories are:

  1. Community Outreach and Engagement & Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  2. Network Operations, Decentralized Trials, and Multi-site Research
  3. Quality Assurance & Remote Monitoring and Auditing
  4. Resource Management and Finance
  5. Trial Recruitment and Study Conduct
  6. Trial Start-up, Activation, Regulatory, and Protocol Development
  7. Training, Career Development, and Staff Retention

Three abstracts have been selected for oral presentation at the meeting. Up to two authors of each winning abstract will receive a complimentary meeting registration or a refund for a previously paid meeting registration fee. All accepted abstract authors will have the opportunity to submit a poster, which will be on display during the poster session for attendees to view and will be available on the AACI website.

January 3, 2024
Abstract requirements available

February 1, 2024
Online submission tool opens

March 4, 2024 - 5:00 pm Pacific time
Deadline to submit abstracts

April 2024
Abstracts selected for oral presentation; notifications sent to submitting authors

May 13, 2024 - 5:00 pm Pacific time
Deadline to submit an electronic copy of your poster to
[email protected]

Please note: all dates are subject to change.

The abstract's first author must be from an AACI cancer center. Members from more than one center or organization may collaborate. For all authors, please list full first and last names. If the first author and co-author(s) are from different institutions or organizations, please indicate each investigator's institution using a superscript number, as in the example below:

Rachel Jones1; Jill Smith2; Brandon Lee3
1Cancer Center A2Cancer Center B3Cancer Center C  

You must use the AACI CRI abstract template to draft your submission. The abstract word limit is 500 words, not including the abstract title, author and institution names, and abstract template section titles. AACI is providing access to its institutional style guide to help authors standardize the format of all abstracts to simplify their review.

Authors will submit abstracts to a specific category. Please select the category that is the best fit for your abstract:

  1. Community Outreach and Engagement and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  2. Network Operations, Decentralized Trials, and Multi-site Research
  3. Quality Assurance, Remote Monitoring, and Auditing
  4. Resource Management and Finance
  5. Trial Recruitment and Study Conduct
  6. Trial Start-up, Activation, Regulatory, and Protocol Development
  7. Training, Career Development, and Staff Retention

Note: If a reviewer believes your abstract is better suited for a different category, they may edit this selection.  

All submitted abstracts should be ready for publication. Please submit your abstract using the online submission tool, beginning February 1. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]

The abstract deadline is 5:00 pm Pacific time on Monday, March 4, 2024.
The abstract template is available in Word or PDF format. Authors are encouraged to submit completed abstracts in Word format.

Why should I submit an abstract? 
An abstract tells a story about how your center has addressed a clinical trials operational problem. Since many AACI cancer centers face similar obstacles, sharing your story helps promote practices leading to better efficiency and quality at other AACI cancer centers.  

Who can submit an abstract?
Only AACI members are able to submit an abstract. However, AACI members may collaborate with other centers or external organizations to submit an abstract if they wish.

What should I include in my abstract?
You must use the provided CRI abstract template and describe the following: 
  • Background of the problem 
  • Goals or metrics 
  • Solutions and methods implemented 
  • Results or conclusions from the steps implemented (positive or negative) 
  • Recommendations, lessons learned, or next steps
Your abstract should include specific details that can provide a roadmap for other cancer centers to replicate your success. 

Do I have to use the AACI CRI abstract template?
It is highly recommended that authors use the abstract template, as the template requires the same information that will be collected in the online submission tool. 

May I submit an abstract presented at a past meeting?
Yes. However, if the abstract was submitted for a prior CRI annual meeting, the abstract must be significantly updated from the initial submission. Changes may include project expansion, new or updated results, and/or completion of next steps.

Can I submit an abstract with research that is in progress/interim analysis?
Yes, as with all abstracts, a description of data analysis helps to support your conclusions. However, if you are providing an abstract where the data analysis is not available but other findings can support your solutions and/or lessons learned, the committee is interested in reviewing those abstracts as well.

How do I submit my abstract? 
Beginning in February, authors will be able to enter information online using AACI's online submission tool. 

Can I make changes to a submitted abstract?
No. Abstracts will be submitted for review in the format they are received, so please make sure that your abstract is a final version when you submit it to AACI.

Are examples of other CRI meeting abstracts available for review?  
Yes. You may view abstracts and posters from the 15th Annual AACI CRI Meeting in the 2023 Abstracts and Posters Book.

How are abstracts scored and selected for presentation?
Abstracts are evaluated in two rounds. In the first round, they are evaluated by at least two reviewers from various AACI task forces and working groups using a peer-review process. The top 20 scored abstracts are then evaluated in round two by the AACI CRI Steering Committee members. The three top scoring abstracts are chosen for oral presentation that address an issue that provides relevant solutions that can be shared or adapted by other AACI cancer centers.

When will applicants be notified of their review outcome?
Abstract applicants will be notified in April 2024.

What is the size requirement for the poster?
Posters may not exceed 24” x 36” (portrait) or 36” x 24” (landscape). If using an institutional template, please ensure the template sizing meets the AACI size requirement.

What format or program should I use to develop my poster?
You may format your poster using a program of your choice. If using an institutional template, please ensure the template sizing meets the AACI size requirement of 24” x 36” (portrait) or 36” x 24” (landscape). Submitted posters that do not meet this size requirement may be resized by the printer, which may affect formatting.

Poster templates are available for use. Please email [email protected] to request the template in PowerPoint format.

Do I need to submit an electronic copy of my poster?
Attendees enjoy viewing posters prior to the meeting. Your poster must be emailed to [email protected] by 5:00 pm Pacific time on Monday, May 13, 2024, for it to be displayed during the meeting. Please email a full-sized, 24” x 36” (portrait) or 36” x 24” (landscape) version of your poster.

Does AACI CRI require a hard copy of my poster?
A hard copy is not required.

How will posters be displayed?
AACI will print and have the posters on display for the start of the meeting. You and/or a co-author will have the opportunity to share your poster with attendees during the poster session on Monday, June 24, 2024.

What happens to my poster after the meeting?
Your abstract will be available for viewing on the AACI CRI abstracts and posters webpage for up to one year or until the next AACI CRI Annual Meeting. By submitting an abstract and poster, you give AACI permission to publish these materials. You are welcome to take your poster home after the meeting.