Physician Clinical Leadership Initiative

About PCLI

A Forum for Cancer Center Leaders

In response to the rapid changes in health care delivery and the expectation to "do more with less" at clinical practices at AACI cancer centers, AACI created a forum for physician clinical leaders. The forum aims to provide a resource for creating best practices to assist cancer center physician clinical leaders in addressing challenges like clinical services reimbursement, integrating electronic medical records with other cancer center IT services, assimilating clinical research and clinical programs to increase trial accrual, and developing performance metrics.

PCLI members convene each year as part of the AACI/CCAF Annual Meeting.


Steering Committee

The PCLI Steering Committee is a resource for creating best practices as well as for comparing approaches to common problems facing clinical services leaders.


Karen L. Reckamp, MD, MS
Director, Medical Oncology
Associate Director, Clinical Research
Medical Oncology Director, Women’s Guild Lung Institute
Cedars-Sinai Cancer

View All Steering Committee Members

2024 PCLI Webinars

Understanding Cancer Care Delivery in Diverse Environments
Tuesday, October 8, 1:00 pm ET

As with real estate, oftentimes cancer care and prevention are all about location, location, location. Presenters will discuss the challenges of cancer care delivery for underserved communities in both rural and urban settings. 
Panelists: Julia White, MD, FACR, FASTRO, The University of Kansas Cancer Center; Kathie-Ann Joseph, MD, MPH, FACS, NYU Grossman School of Medicine/NYU Langone Health; and Gary Doolitte, MD, Masonic Cancer Alliance at the University of Kansas School of Medicine
Slides (Kathie-Ann Joseph, MD, MPH, FACS) | Slides (Gary Doolittle, MD) | Recording 

On the Frontlines of Cancer Care: Exploring Urgent Care Models in Oncology
Supported by Advarra
Thursday, May 9, 1:00 pm ET
Acute care imposes a significant financial burden on patients and cancer centers. Presenters will explore oncology urgent care centers and unravel the financial intricacies, innovative staffing models, and secrets to success that define these critical health care institutions. This webinar will offer invaluable insights into the evolving landscape of oncology care and strategies for delivering high-quality, patient-centered services in urgent care settings. 
Moderator: Theresa L. Werner, MD, Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah
Presenters: William Dunson, MD, Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah; Kinsey Wimmer, MS, PA-C, University of Colorado Cancer Center; Elizabeth Jewell, MD, MHSc, FACOG, FACS, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center; and David Brauer, MD, MPHS, Masonic Cancer Center, University of Minnesota
Slides (William Dunson, MD) | Slides (Kinsey Wimmer, MS, PA-C) | Slides (Elizabeth Jewell, MD, MHSc, FACOG, FACS and David Brauer, MD, MPHS) | Recording

Not Your Typical Wellness Talk
Thursday, March 28, 3:00 pm ET
Presenters explored unique and often ignored sources of stress for health care professionals that lead to burnout and what institutions, teams, and individuals are doing to support one another. 
Presenters: Quan Ly, MD, FACS, Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center; Sarah Richards, MD, FACP, University of Nebraska Medical Center and Nebraska Medicine; and Steven Wengel, MD, University of Nebraska Medical Center
Slides | Recording

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Protected Time Survey

In 2019, AACI issued a survey to learn more about how protected time is provided for faculty physicians with clinical responsibilities who participate in both clinical research and academic activities at AACI cancer centers. The survey data were published in the Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network in February 2021.

Read the Survey Data

Impact of Immediate Release of Clinical Information Rules on Health Care Delivery to Patients With Cancer

In May 2021, the PCLI Steering Committee designed a survey to study the impact on oncology providers and cancer clinical practice of the 21st Century Cures Act Immediate Release of Clinical Information (IRCI) on healthcare delivery to cancer patients. A report on the committee’s findings was published in JCO Oncology Practice in February 2023.

Read the Report