
New Members Join CRI Steering Committee


This fall, AACI’s Clinical Research Innovation (CRI) will welcome Margaret Kasner, MD, MSCE, medical director of cancer clinical trials operations at Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Jefferson, as the new CRI Steering Committee chair-elect. She will begin her one-year term in this role during the AACI/CCAF Annual Meeting in October.

We are also welcoming five newly-elected steering committee members. Joining us are Sarah Bigelow, CCRP, executive director of the clinical trials office, Louisiana Cancer Research Center; Mario Contreraz, MBA, MSN, RN, director of operations for the clinical trials office, Indiana University Melvin and Bren Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center; Jay Lebsack, vice president for clinical trials and operations excellence, Moffitt Cancer Center; Nathan A. Pennell, MD, PhD, FASCO, professor of medicine and vice chair of clinical research, Cleveland Clinic Cancer Center; and Lauren Wall, MS, senior director of the cancer clinical trials support office, the University of Chicago Medicine Comprehensive Cancer Center. The new members formally assume their duties in September. 

Pictured, left to right: Bigelow, Contreraz, Lebsack, Dr. Pennell, and Wall

AACI thanks the following outgoing steering committee members for their time and commitment to CRI:

Matthew Kovak, MS, CCRP, director of the cancer clinical trials office, UAMS Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute
Susanna Sellman MRT, BSc, CCRP, program director, cancer clinical research unit, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University Health Network
Rachna Shroff, MD, MS, FASCO, director, clinical trials office, and director, Arizona Clinical Trials Network, the University of Arizona Cancer Center
Eneida Nemecek, MD, MS, MBA, associate director for clinical research, OHSU Knight Cancer Institute