
AACI CRI Steering Committee Announces New Members


This fall, AACI Clinical Research Innovation (CRI) will welcome Thomas J. George, Jr., MD, FACP, associate director for clinical research; director, Experimental Therapeutics Incubator; and director, Gastrointestinal Oncology Program, at the University of Florida Health Cancer Center, as the new CRI Steering Committee chair. 

CRI will also welcome three newly-elected members to the steering committee from a record number of 45 submitted nominations. Joining us are Dina Aziz, MSHS, associate vice president of clinical research, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center; Angela Campbell, MS, director, clinical trials office, The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center - James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute; Muhammad Furqan, MBBS, medical director of clinical research services, Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Iowa. The new members formally assume their duties in October during the 2023 AACI/CCAF Annual Meeting in Washington, DC.

AACI thanks the following outgoing steering committee members for their time and commitment to CRI:

  • Tara L. Lin, MD, medical director of the clinical trials office, The University of Kansas Cancer Center

  • Leslie P. Byatt, CCRC, ACRP-PM, clinical trials operations manager, University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center 

  • Christopher Loertscher, MA, chief administrative officer, USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center

  • Anne Schnatterly, MBA, BSN, RN, CCRP, director of clinical research unit, WVU Cancer Institute

Pictured, clockwise from top left: Dr. Thomas J. George, Dina Aziz, Angela Campbell, and Dr. Muhammad Furquan.