
Congressional Briefing, Other Events Bring AACI to DC

Congressional Briefing: "I Have Insurance, Why Can't I Afford My Oral Anticancer Medications?"

On June 14, the International Myeloma Foundation (IMF)-led Coalition to Improve Access to Cancer Care (CIACC) hosted a congressional briefing to address the critical issue of insurance coverage for oral anticancer medications. Patient advocates Tony Newberne and Michael Riotto spoke at the well-attended event, which was moderated by Emma Hatcher, global VP of patient engagement and advocacy for the IMF. Additional speakers included Kevin Chen, PharmD, MS, BCOP, CPP, a clinical pharmacy specialist at UNC Health, and AACI Senior Government Relations Manager Jaren Love, who provided a summary of the Cancer Drug Parity Act to attendees.

The briefing included compelling testimonies from patient advocates directly impacted by the high cost of oral chemotherapy medications. Newberne shared, “I want to live so I paid $3,000 [a month], but I knew that was something I could not sustain.” Riotto added, “You’re fighting to keep yourself alive, and in the meantime, you’re also fighting to keep yourself financially afloat.”

AACI has had a long partnership with the CIACC and serves on its steering committee. The Cancer Drug Parity Act has been one of AACI's legislative priorities for nearly a decade.

Black in Cancer Conference: Lifting as We Climb

AACI Executive Director Jennifer W. Pegher attended the inaugural U.S.-based Black in Cancer Conference, held June 20-21 in Bethesda, MD. AACI was a sponsor of the conference, which was hosted in collaboration with the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research. The event aims to build support networks for Black cancer researchers, facilitate mentorship and collaboration opportunities for students and scientists, provide funding opportunities for post-doctoral fellows, and offer a platform for patient advocates and cancer survivors to share their stories. The keynote address was delivered by City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center Director John Carpten, PhD.

View Photos From the Black in Cancer Conference

Congressional Women’s Softball Game

For the first time, AACI was a sponsor of the annual Congressional Women’s Softball Game. The first of these games was played in 2009, organized by Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), former. Rep. Jo Ann Emerson (R-MO, 1996-2013), Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), and Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), following Wasserman Schultz's breast cancer diagnosis. The game has since been hosted each summer, excluding 2020.

During this year's game on Wednesday, June 26, a bipartisan group of women in Congress face off against women in the DC press corps. Proceeds support the Young Survival Coalition (YSC), an organization dedicated to the unique issues facing young adults who are diagnosed with breast cancer. The game has raised $3.7 million for YSC since its inception and is projected to raise over $600,000 for the 2024 game.

View Photos From the 15th Annual Congressional Women's Softball Game