
New in 2024: CARDS Webinar Series

Association of American Cancer Institutes

AACI and the Catchment Area Research Data Science (CARDS) listserv community announce a series of webinars dedicated to discussions around cancer center data collection, analysis, and utilization. The CARDS listserv and webinars are aimed at individuals at AACI cancer centers working in community outreach, biostatistics, and cancer informatics. The first CARDS webinar, "Unveiling Insights: Using Data to Guide Catchment Area Strategy," will be held Wednesday, February 21 at 1:00 pm eastern time.

Presenters will discuss the use of business intelligence data and business analytics in guiding resources and interventions in cancer centers' catchment areas. Discussion points include learning how to incorporate ArcGIS Business Analyst into your workflow and how to leverage this tool to drive insights and create custom infographics, as well as how cancer centers are using software and other resources to guide screening, prevention, and outreach efforts. The webinar will end with a brief Q&A.

Pictured, left to right: Todd Burus, Dr. Este Geraghty, Caitlin Marin, Dr. Christopher McNair, and Dr. Nathanael Stanley

The webinar will be moderated by Todd Burus, MAS, UK Markey Cancer Center. Presenters are Este Geraghty, MD, MS, MPH, GISP, and Caitlin Marin, Esri; Christopher McNair, PhD, Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at Jefferson Health; and Nathanael Stanley, PhD, Moffitt Cancer Center.

The free webinars will be held quarterly and are open to all AACI members.

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