
PCLI Webinar: Exploring Urgent Care Models in Oncology


AACI's Physician Clinical Leadership Initiative (PCLI) will host a webinar titled "On the Frontlines of Cancer Care: Exploring Urgent Care Models in Oncology" at 1:00 pm eastern time on Thursday, May 9.

Acute care imposes a significant financial burden on patients and cancer centers. Presenters will explore oncology urgent care centers and unravel the financial intricacies, innovative staffing models, and secrets to success that define these critical health care institutions. This webinar will offer invaluable insights into the evolving landscape of oncology care and strategies for delivering high-quality, patient-centered services in urgent care settings.

The webinar will be moderated by Theresa L. Werner, MD, Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah. Presenters are William Dunson, MD, Huntsman Cancer Institute; Kinsey Wimmer, MS, PA-C, University of Colorado Cancer Center; Elizabeth Jewell, MD, MHSc, FACOG, FACS, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center; and David Brauer, MD, MPHS, Masonic Cancer Center, University of Minnesota.

This webinar is supported by AdvarraRegistration is free. PCLI webinars are open to all AACI members. Please contact AACI Program Coordinator Hailey Honeycutt with any questions.


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